Monday, September 8, 2008

Demons are my best friends

I had a lovely dinner with my not-really-ma-in-law Joan down south on 34th ave at Maurya Palace and it was deeeeeelish. We had channa masala, saffron rice, naan bread, and MUTTER PANEER yumyumyumyumyum. Those that know me well know that paneer is one of my favorite culinary delights of all time, and one of the reasons why I could never be vegan (right up there with my weakness for breakfast burritos and huuuuuuevos rancheros). So paneer with peas and two other of my favorite things, curry and coconut, leave a recipe for disaster, or should I say... DELICIOUSNESS. I could orgasm from the goodness.

I decided that I am going to start a recipe tag, so I can share my favorite recipes (and for Dana to gather all the recipes while he's away from my fab cooking skills). So coming up soon, saag paneer....

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