If you ask the average Dutch person to describe Dutch cuisine, they most often would have a difficult time picking out something that is truly unique to the Netherlands in terms of food. But based on my own personal observations the Dutch are masters of putting various things on bread. Lunch usually consists of a variety of sweet and savory "broodjes".
Here are some uniquely Dutch examples of bread topping:
1. Smeerkaas
This is a lot like Cheese Whiz, but comes in a wide varieties of flavors, like sambal (spicy), herbed, gouda, and ham.
2. Ambachtelijk Salade
This category encompasses any "salad" constructed with the base ingredient of mayonnaise. You can get chicken curry, chicken satay, egg, cucumber, crab, tuna, salmon, probably others.
3. Filet American
Raw. Meat. Spread. Pureed cow. Salty. Gross. Apparently can be found in different flavors as well.
They also have regular deli meat, a wide selection of thinly sliced 'wurst' (sausage), and of course lots and lots of cheese.
This category is a bit more delicious.
1. Hagel Slag
Affectionately called a "candy sandy" by my friend Sarah, Hagel Slag is basically ice cream sprinkles for your toast. These can be dark or milk chocolate, sprinkle or shaving form, or even multi-coloured plain candy sprinkles. The key to these is to butter your toast prior to slag-ing it to make the candy stick.
2. Appelstroop
Like thick apple syrup for your bread. Often eaten with butter or even cheese.
3. Schuddebuikjes
A lot like hagel slag, but mini cinnamon cookies! Also requires butter.
4. Kokosbrood
Think flat macaroon for your toast. Quite good on its own. I've only tried the plain kind, but it can also be found with fruit flavors like banana, or with raisins.
5. Duo Penotti
Nutella-like hazelnut/chocolate spread with some vanilla creamy stuff. Yummy.
I also found this ad for Duo Penotti 'Solo'. A bit risque, no? Apparently sex also sells sandwich spread.
There are also many many other popular condiments, like some vegetable infused mayo called "sandwich spread", peanut butter with chocolate chips, curry ketchup, satay sauce (peanut-y), and lots of regular mayo. So much mayo.
Another interesting thing I have yet to try is vla, which seems a lot like pudding to me. It's everywhere and looks tempting, but quite processed and more than likely unhealthy.
Only one more week to try this stuff! Then back to good old Canadian predictability. Sigh.
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