A great thing about not having a job is that I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. And today was spent sleeping in then strolling along Whyte ave with Beck and her incredibly adorable son Felix. It was the first time I've seen Felix (and Beck for that matter) since a few weeks after he was born and it was nice to chat, catch up, and drink some booster juice. Felix is four months and already a lady killer with his coy little grin and smiles and giggles. It's neat to see Beck as a mom too, she loves her boy so!
Yesterday I pulled a disturbingly long shift of patio-sitting at Earl's, different people just kept coming and going yet I was there throughout the whole thing. Then we went to Jacqueline's and watched fireworks on her balcony. We could see both Millwoods' and Downtown's fireworks. It was one of those perfect moments, listening to the right music with the right people and the right scenery with everyone in a good mood and enjoying the night. I've been feeling a little bummed lately about not having a job, computers not working and people being lame, and last night picked up my spirits.
Friday is Dana's birthday and we're having a fire in his backyard. I hope we get good weather and for it to be another night of good conversation and good times. Although the next few days I need to dry out (so to speak), I'm a little boozed-out. Let's see: Thursday we saw a caberet/play/musical thing called "Pig" in the basement of Chez Pierre (yum!) and had a few too many beers afterwards at Martini's. Friday Dana and I went to his friend Mike's place to look at his recording set up, play instruments, watch old Think Not Think videos and sit by the fire. Dana had to drive home but I felt fine the next day. Then Saturday, following a nice day at the market with some girlfriends (and not enough food) we went to Dana's friend Brad's birthday where I drank WAY too much and splashed around in his pool. Good fun, but I was ILL the next day.
Poor liver of mine.
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